Do yOu WanT Me To ReMemBer YoU? be my guest~

Saturday, June 26, 2010

cosmo world...a bad place to release your tension.

I'm sure everyone have been to times square or at least heard about it. Usually I go there with my family but this time, my friends invited me to go with them.Of course, as a girl...your parent must be really hard on letting your go out on your own..but i guess it pretty easy for me to get my parent's know the tricks, innocent faces...with a hopeful and bright eyes...and there you is giving you some money to spend.;)hehe..
Anyway..I took the KTM to KL sentral and met my friends there...when we arrived at the times stomach just can't stand the hunger i've been keeping since that we went to the nearest restaurant and ate...take my do not want to eat before you riding the roller coaster or the DNA mixer or the spinning orbit...unless if you have a strong stomach like mine..haha. Seriously..don't you know how extreme the roller coaster is???

No..I just only last for like 5 minutes on the ride and you are not satisfied by that...if you want to get your neck almost break..I recommend you ride the DNA mixer on your last list..because after you ride this won't be riding anything me...

anyway..the space attack is the only ride I didn't ride...well actually I've ride it once with my family...and I swear never step on that thing feels like you only a second away from death...but no one actually died from this don't be such a coward like me..go there and try it...don't say I didn't warn you...

This one is friends love this called the ooort's express..haha..weird huh... you can feel the force that acting on your body when your spinning way too fast...make sure the heavy one sit on the left side..otherwise..
the small one would get crush by the big one...haha..that what happen with me and my sister..poor my little sis..

Did I mention that there is height limit on every ride..if you were too short or too can't take the ride...normally there were only too short...haha..for the small kids of course..but don't worry..there are fantasy garden for the children...well the best thing about it is can also play...haha...guess I never too short for any ride..hehe:))

height limit..;)

At the fantasy garden...( it feels weird when every things around you are so small)

Well if you are new comer...and quiet afraid too ride the extreme some appetizer for you...ride the spinning orbit first..then you know the picture for the other ride..I've always took this one for a starter..

Orait..these are my friends...the left one is Jalila..well I called her Jlo..the small one is Adila..short name is dilla..Jlo always scream the loudest when taking any ride...haha..dilla..well she just too small to have a loud voice...haha..really going to miss them...Both of them taking medicine...what a bright student huh..

This is Jlo and me..^_^

This is Dilla and me..:P

This are the list of things that you get after you spend your time in cosmo world..(at least things that I got)...
1.your money got less..
2.your stomach get sick..(feels like vomiting)
3.your voice almost lost( coz you always screaming)
4.your brain get dizzy..(it's like it still spinning even you're sitting)
5.your neck feels like it broke already.. get to meet new people if you happen to sit next to a stranger on your ride.. (which what happen to me on the roller coaster) get to crash your car on the robo crash..(it is the only car without age limit and license..) got too feel what it is like too be superman(flying height)...yeah!~ got too know how bad is your afraid of height is..hehe..that's me.
10.if you go there just too skip away from any daily stressful activities..well you might get more stress after that because it is really bad place to release your advise..better get some sleep or a nice meal and watch some works too me.

or perhaps listening to music..

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Kisah benar ini berlaku di US.
Ia tentang seorang wanita dari Malaysia yang bekerja di US. Dia memakai tudung dan memiliki akhlak yang bagus.

Suatu malam perempuan ini dalam perjalanan balik ke rumah dari tempat kerjanya. Kebetulan dia mengambil jalan singkat untuk pulang. Jalan yang diambil pula agak tersorok dan tidak banyak orang yang lalu lalang pada masa itu.

Disebabkan hari yang agak sudah lewat, berjalan di jalan yang agak gelap sebegitu membuatkan dia agak gelisah dan rasa takut. Lebih-lebih lagi dia berjalan bersaorangan.

Tiba-tiba dia nampak ada seorang lelaki (kulit putih Amerika) bersandar di dinding di tepi lorong itu. Dia sudah mula rasa takut dan tak sedap hati. Apa yang dia boleh buat waktu tu adalah berdoa ke hadrat Allah memohon keselamatan atas dirinya. Dia baca ayat Kursi dengan penuh pengharapan agar Allah membantu dia disaat itu.

Masa dia melepasi tempat lelaki itu bersandar, dia sempat menoleh dan dapat mengecam muka lelaki itu. Nasib baik lelaki itu buat tidak endah dan perempuan ini selamat sampai ke rumahnya.

Keesokkan paginya, wanita ini terbaca dalam akhbar yang seorang perempuan telah dirogol oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali dekat lorong yang dia jalan semalam hanya 10 minit selepas dia melintasi lorong tersebut. Muslimah ini yakin benar lelaki kulit putih yang dia lihat semalam adalah perogol itu.

Atas rasa tanggungjawab dia terus ke balai polis dan buat aduan. Wanita ni dapat mengenalpasti suspek melalui kawad cam dan selepas siasatan dilakukan, polis dapat bukti bahawa lelaki tersebut adalah perogol yang dicari.

Tapi perempuan ini hairan juga kenapa lelaki tadi tak jadikan dia mangsa ketika dia melalui lorong tersebut walhal dia keseorangan di masa tu, tetapi lelaki tadi rogol perempuan yang lalu selepas dia. Wanita ini nak tahu sangat sebabnya. Jadi dia minta kebenaran polis untuk bercakap dengan perogol tadi sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan (sebelum lelaki tadi di bawa ke tempat lain).

Dia pun tanya perogol itu..

“Why don’t you do anything to me on that night even though you know that I’m alone?
(Kenapa awak tak buat apa-apa kat saya malam tu walaupun awak tau saya seorang je masa tu?)

Perogol tu jawab:

“No, you are not alone. That night I saw two young man walking with you. One on your right side and the other one was by your left side. If you were alone of course you will be my victim.”
(Tak, awak bukan berseorangan. Malam tu saya nampak ada 2 orang lelaki berjalan dengan awak. Seorang sebelah kanan awak dan sorang lagi sebelah kiri awak. Kalaulah awak sorang2 malam tu, sudah pasti awak jadi mangsa saya..)

Wanita ni rasa amat terkejut bila dengar penjelasan perogol tu. Dia bersyukur ke hadrat Allah kerana memelihara dia malam itu, mungkin juga berkat ayat Kursi yang dia baca malam itu.


Jika kita sebagai hambaNya menurut segala perintah dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya, Dia pastinya akan sentiasa dekat dengan kita dan memelihara kita. Wanita tadi pertama-tamanya menutup aurat di US dan memang seorang yang menjaga batas-batas yang ditetapkan Islam. Mungkin dua orang lelaki yang menemani wanita itu adalah malaikat yang diutuskan Allah untuk menjaga hambaNya yang sentiasa ingat akan diriNya.

"...Barang siapa membaca ayat Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya,Allah mewakilkan 2 orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh. Barang siapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allah berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya ..."
[Dari Abdullah bin ‘Amr r.a.]

Sebuah kisah benar yang sangat sangat menarik pada pandangan ku...
semoga kite semua mendapat pengajaran dan ilmu yang bermanfat...
sebagai hamba kita seharusnya percaya dengan kemampuan senjata orang mukmin iaitu DOA….
semoga kita sentiasa dipeliara Allah dari kejahatan syaitan yang di rejam…….

Salam muhasabah & selamat beramal...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a., Nabi SAW bersabda: " Tujuh golongan, Allah akan menaungi mereka pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naungan-Nya: Imam yang adil; pemuda yang membesar dengan beribadat kepada Allah; insan yang hatinya terpaut dengan masjid; dua insan yang berkasih sayang kerana Allah, mereka bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah; insan yang diajak (digoda) oleh wanita yang berpangkat dan cantik lalu ia berkata: 'Sesungguhnya aku takutkan Allah'; insan yang bersedekah dengan cara yang tersembunyi sehingga tangan kirinya tidak mengetahui apa yang dibelanjakan oleh tangan kanannya; insan mengingati Allah secara bersunyian lalu berlinangan air mata."(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

This haddis..have been told among us so many time since we were child...everytime i heard it, it always came to my mind, have i become one of this 7 type of person?....take one moment to think about long have you live?? how long does it take for us to become this is 18 years?? 25, or 38?? it could take the rest of your long as we live...we have too work hard to become among this 7 lucky type of person...insyaAllah..i hope i'm still ni the right path.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ahh... what a sweet memories here..this is when my life start changing. I remember this part when I score 9A's on PMR. What a surprise that time...and these are my friends..from left, nabilah me, hanis, amirah, and azneezaa. We all had just took our can see I was holding a few papers...well that's the result...with this achievement..I get to enter sbpi gombak which change a lot more of my life. Well, is what they say, if you want to make a change, eiter is good or bad, don't be afraid to take a move.